Gender Roles

Gender Roles

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

You play like a girl!

"They spent days together in the tree house plotting and planning, calling me only when they needed a third party. But I kept aloof from their more foolhardy schemes for a while, and on pain of being called a g-irl, I spent most of the remaining twilights that summer sitting with Miss Maudie Atkinson on her front porch." (Lee,46)

This is an example of a girl being excluded from something because she was a girl, or because she was acting "girly". Jem didn't allow Scout to join in most of the time because she was too much of a "girl". And it pisses me off so much. I. being an older sibling totally get not wanting to play with little kids, but Dill was closer to Scout in age than Jem, so that is no excuse. Dill should have, if he liked her so much, found a way to include her, if Jem was going to refuse to himself.

This is similar to the other countless times Jem accused scout of being "girly", his way of calling her weak, which obviously is problematic in that being a girl is "weak".

This reminds me of when I was maybe 6 years old, in kindergarten, something similar happened to me. A group of boys were climbing up a gigantic oak tree in the middle of the playground, and I wanted in too. I started climbing up, and one of the boys said it was to dangerous for me, "because I was a girl". Needless to say I climbed up anyway, and pushed him out of the tree, marking the beginning of my lifelong career of violent retribution against boys like him everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. I feel you. I had so many guy friends and some of the time they made me feel like a 'girl' .
