Gender Roles

Gender Roles

Monday, November 23, 2015

Women deserve to think for themselves

          "She did something that in our society is unspeakable: she kissed a black man." This comment from Atticus was really rude and disrespectful, not only to black people, but also women. Atticus' statement basically supported patriarchy and tried to show that men are superior to women, because its practically showing that men controlled what women weren't allowed to do, and what they were aloud to do. Women should be aloud to decide for themselves and shouldn't be controlled by men, I think that everyone deserves to speak for themselves and not have others telling them what they can and can't do based on their gender.

         Men shouldn't try to intervene with a women's decision, because she should be aloud to pick what's best for her and not have to be bossed around by men. I think that Atticus should really think over what he said, because he should know that women don't need to be bossed around by men and that they can make their own decisions they don't need men to baby them and try to control their freedom. I believe that men and women should be treated equal, and no gender should have superiority over the other.


  1. I think your idea towards the fact that women can speak for themselves is a thought many people should think of. I also like how you had written your opinion to Atticus because it presents a good blog. This post I feel is very outspoken and pleasurable.

  2. Cesar, I believe Atticus wasn't saying this societal view was right; he was saying this was society's view and why Mayella was punishing Tom for her actions. Atticus is generally on justice's side - not the side of prejudice. He's voicing why society viewed what Mayella did as wrong.

    Good evaluation of healthy gender roles - you have a wonderful view of what a strong person (male or female) should be! To add even more interest to your blog, find a gif, meme, or link if you can. (Google "strong woman" or "Society says" and then click on "images" at the top instead of web. Then cut and paste the image.)

  3. Cesar, I believe Atticus wasn't saying this societal view was right; he was saying this was society's view and why Mayella was punishing Tom for her actions. Atticus is generally on justice's side - not the side of prejudice. He's voicing why society viewed what Mayella did as wrong.

    Good evaluation of healthy gender roles - you have a wonderful view of what a strong person (male or female) should be! To add even more interest to your blog, find a gif, meme, or link if you can. (Google "strong woman" or "Society says" and then click on "images" at the top instead of web. Then cut and paste the image.)
