Gender Roles

Gender Roles

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

¨Scout, I´m  tellin' you for the last time,shut your trap or go home-i declare to the lord you´re gettin more like a girl everyday!¨
This quote shows how gender specific roles were. All they were doing was peeking inside a window, yet Jem brings up what the norm was for girls. In this case, it was Jem and Dill peeking inside a window and Scout wasn't sure about this. So girls are viewed as scared cautious creatures that don't take risks. Today, people would think this is a super wrong thing to say but in that time, I didn't mater. Girls had a way that they were expected to act and if they didn't, its wasn't okay most of the time. Thank God her brother is happy with her being a tomboy, then the story would be filled with quotes like this.
Many people still think this way, some say old fashion, I call it sexist. Not all girls are the same so to hold them down for acting like themselves are wrong. Its not our fault for being born female. Like today, woman's everyday products cost more then guys just because. Like I'm so sorry rich white dudes that I was born female, You could read more on that at woman's tax, where it tells you all the facts. And then with the 'recent' change in stores with naming dolls for girls and trucks for guys. Like from the book, they are labeling what girls should be doing. I'm glad I live in this time period, 1) because i'm black so ancient history or the future would be the only time period were i'm not property, and 2) females were seen as less (unless your in ancient history again in some cultures). And in this time, its okay to be a tomboy. Scout has millions of people telling her that she should act like a girl. That's so frustrating, if i was her, i would be struggling with myself.
But we are getting there, hopefully...

Here are other pictures/gifs that's related, couldn't pick just one so here!

1 comment:

  1. I liked that you put a link in so that we could see what you meant and another thing i liked was that you put in the reasons why your lucky to have been born in the time period you were born in.
