The trial in TKAM would infuriate anyone who has somewhat good of morals, for a multitude of depressing reasons. One being that it was clear as day if you listened and paid attention to evidence, "She says what papa do to her don't count." that Bob Ewell was sexually assaulting his daughter, yet even Atticus completely ignored this obvious fact. The other major reason being that Tom Robinson was so obviously innocent, and yet the jury concluded he was guilty, simply because he was black.
The jury did not seem to care about Mayella, but was rather only interested in using Tom Robinson's trial as a sick sort of scapegoat, or just as some kind of twisted disgusting form of entertainment.
The other obvious issue is how the jury completely ignores the evidence that Robinson could not have hit Mayella, because her facial injuries were on her left , and his left arm was basically a useless, shriveled stump.

The trial also bothers me because had Bob Ewell been found guilty, Mayella would have been saved from further abuse, but instead, the Jury's decision was as predictable as to be expected of southern redneck racists, and reminds me that throughout the book, scout is repeatedly told by her father that people were entitled to their opinions, and that's the issue with Atticus. He tries to wave it away as just opinion or societal training, but its that kind of cowardice that keeps women like Mayella in abusive homes, and makes men like Tom Robinson dead.
I really like and agree with your statements. It hadn't occured to me that the jury really didn't care about mayella but that makes a lot of sense. I also hadn't thought of the aditional benefits of winning the trial being that mayella wouldn't get abused like she was.