gerund or present participle: catcalling
- make a whistle, shout, or comment of a sexual nature to a woman passing by.
- "they were fired for catcalling at women"
It isn't attractive for you to catcall. It isn't needed, or appreciated, and feels like a violation.
There are young girls that are catcalled from ages of seven or eight if that isn't terrible to you I don't know what is. It shouldn't be acceptable for any age to have to endure it, but sexualizing young girls who don't understand what it is you are saying isn't just disturbing it can also hurt them. They can become self conscious, and uneasy with their body. They are taught that they don't have a say about their own body it it is terrible. I walk home and most places in Durham and every time I start walking I mentally prepare myself for honks of shouts. I have had a man that looked older than my dad honk and yell out at me "How I was doin'". When I visited NY city two men decided it would be funny to approach me and my mother and make some unpleasant comments then after my mom steered me away talk about the strippers they had just seen. I was twelve and was only shocked at the fact that my mom saw it not even at how they acted. And it doesn't matter what you are wearing I was walking home in loose pants and huge winter jackets because it was freezing yet that didn't stop the honks of cars. There are tons of other times and some where I was actually terrified because I wasn't sure how to handle it.
It is a demeaning and threatening. It isn't just the crude comment it is where it can escalate to violet attacks on a woman because she said no. Men feel like a women's body is somehow an object they can claim an it's not cool at all. Men often think that what they say is a compliment or they mean no harm but often lose the perspective of what it feels like to be a woman in that kind of situation. I don't think they realize that it is a threat. Who normally has more power in a situation like that? How is a women supposed to know when a man is going to be a threat to her or not? It is really difficult to tell, you really can't. And if you are screaming out a comment about how nice the girls legs are what are you accomplishing? It doesn't make her want to talk to you.
"So street harassers, next time you want to catcall a woman imagine how you would feel if she was your mom. Or just realize she's a human being and keep your mouth shut."
In TKAM, Mayellla is subject to several forms of sexual abuse by her own FATHER and even takes after his behavior by trying to force herself onto Tom.
“She reached up an‘ kissed me ’side of th‘ face. She says she never kissed a grown man before an’ she might as well kiss a nigger. She says what her papa do to her don’t count. She says, ‘Kiss me back, nigger.’ I say Miss Mayella lemme outa here an‘ tried to run but she got her back to the door an’ I’da had to push her. I didn’t wanta harm her, Mr. Finch, an‘ I say lemme pass, but just when I say it Mr. Ewell yonder hollered through th’ window.”
“What did he say?”
Tom Robinson swallowed again, and his eyes widened. “Somethin‘ not fittin’ to say—not fittin‘ for these folks’n chillun to hear—”
“What did he say, Tom? You must tell the jury what he said.”
Tom Robinson shut his eyes tight. “He says you goddamn whore, I’ll kill ya.” (Lee, 194)
In this quote it is showing that Mayalles father Bob Ewell "She says what her papa do to her don’t count." She is referring to the sexual advances that her father forced upon her did happen and she doesn't feel they "count" as in she didn't want to kiss him. Also in her fathers behavior Mayella seems to have picked up on her fathers was as she forces (tries) herself onto Tom.
“He says you goddamn whore, I’ll kill ya.”This quote also shows the verbal disrespect Mayella receives from her father. I mean the man refers to his own daughter as a whore.
Now people can see what Mayella did IS a form of sexual assault because it does go both ways (gender wise) and at the same time Tom didn't want to hurt Mayella which was he would possibly do if he pushed her so he took the higher road even if he was stronger than Mayella. In the end though.
The guy in the news video made me really upset because he wasn't listening to the fact that woman don't like it and can't always say no without the repercussion of getting hurt. Woman should not have to justify why they don't like it. It make us feel uncomfortable and being able to walk along a street without being yelled at shouldn't be a luxury. Complements are fine in certain situations and how you say them does mater. Making noises like you are searching for your lost pet is not flattering it is degrading. Being whistled at like a dog is not enjoyable, there is no other point. Even if a woman enjoys being called at by random strangers what about the woman that don't? What about the woman that feel utterly powerless and disgusted? They shouldn't have to just suck it up. If someone tells you it makes them uncomfortable then they need to be respected.
“I get catcalled most days that I walk outside,” she explained. “I feel scared, and angry at them and angry that this is my experience being a woman in this society.”
The video (if you follow the link) is a good way to show how many people don't think about it happening and how many people are unsure of what to do.
“There are plenty of men who know this is wrong and don’t want it to be done, but you don’t know what to do,” said Jonathan Braylock. “Do I say something? Does that put me in danger?”

Woman being harassed is brought to the open as a problem because women often feel much more threatened by men because they can't know who is simply trying to "compliment" them or who could actually take it a step further with words and assault them. It is another instance where woman's voice is taken away because of the fear of an attack.
All and all the next time you see a person being catcalled or you are catcalling someone think of what you would do/how would you feel if that person being violated was a close friend of family.
Yes!! This is all together such a relatable thing. I am 14 and have been being cat called for years and for young girls who don't completely understand this situation this could be potentially dangerous. It is true that in some cases this could be harmless compliments but how are we as women supposed to know the difference between a harmless and potentially dangerous comment?