In the ending of Go Set A Watchman, scout confronts her father and henry about being members of basically, the smaller and more secretive version of the KKK. She basically gives them the burns of the century, is about to go back to NY, but somehow her uncle hitting her in the face and spewing a bunch of racist-apologetic things make her think that she is the one on the wrong and needs to apologize.
If I were to try and pull a quote this blog post would be about ten pages long, so I'll just tell you why her backing down and not following through with what she believes in is wrong.
She shouldn't forgive Atticus and henry, because they go against the moral code that they preach to everyone, and because Atticus Finch believes black people to be a "backwards group of people, and still in their child hood stage as a race" I am not kidding, your dear beloved Atticus finch says this in the book.
Another much less but still aggravating remark Atticus makes is when he offhandedly says "Now that I've adjusted my ear to feminine reasoning, I think we can find ourselves believing in the very same things" (lee, 243)
This is another quote that shows how sexist Atticus is. Does he imply that "feminine reasoning" is idiotic, or somehow lesser? I believe he is trying to make scout feel like a child. one of the many things that the patriarchy is guilty for.
Ok, so you know how Atticus is such a cool guy? Of course you do (unless you're Monroe Freedman, but that doesn't matter). Atticus Finch is seen as a role model by many in regards to is moral decisions, "character" and equality things for his children, and women and minorities every where. Well he isn't, he's sorta really racist. I understand that this blog is about patriarchy and stuff and what I'm saying is mainly about racism but it also ties in with patriarchy, so yeah.
"Then let's put this on a practical basis right now. Do you want Negroes by the carload in our schools and churches and theaters? Do you want them in our world?" On first inspection this looks like something a more grammatically adept Bob Ewell would say, doesn't it? Well it's not, it's Atticus, Atticus Finch, the one person in that book who I knew I could trust to have a certain set of opinions that (at least to me) are correct.
I was wrong and now I can never trust anyone again. This happens in Go Set a Watchman when then 26 year old Jean Louise is confronting Atticus about him going to this weird Town Council thing where a guy from the KKK was going in and organizing it and it's really racist and Atticus is being stupid about it.
This Completely contradicts everything I (and pretty much everyone else, ever) thought that I knew about Atticus.
"You know the truth, and the truth is this: some Negroes lie, some Negroes are immoral, some Negro men are not to be trusted around women—black or white. But this is a truth that applies to the human race and to no particular race of men. There is not a person in this courtroom who has never told a lie, who has never done an immoral thing, and there is no man living who has never looked upon a woman without desire." This is a quote from Atticus in his closing statements of the T.R. case, even though none of this directly contradicts what Atticus says in GSAWM it helps to build an image of who Atticus was shown as, as a person. Someone who see's no difference in the moral being of a black man or a white man, a woman or man, he didn't judge people from their race or gender, he judged them on who they were as a person, or at least I thought he did. Something in particular that really contradicts (sorta) what Atticus is saying here is this one quote in GSAWM "Do you want your children going to a school that's been dragged down to accommodate negro children." This is just taking what the previous quote made people think about how Atticus feels about stereotypes and forces it to leave existence. What this conversation got me thinking about, is how does this transfer onto his opinions about gender? Throughout TKAM Atticus let's scout dress how she wants and be who she wants regardless of her gender and it isn't until people like Aunt A. come along that anything else is expected of Scout. How he treats scout is something really similar to what happens (at least in what I've experienced) with parents and their kids today. His opinions on race seemed very similar to those of ours today, but in actuality they weren't at all, so is he really sexist and he let scout do all of her "boy-ish" things as a kid to get it out of her system? Does he actually not really care? Do his opinions on gender not effect how he see's his children? I don't know it really is destroying my entire world. I really can't accept anything to be true anymore because of Atticus and GSAWM.
For those of you that have read "Go Set A Watchman", you will remember when scout is kissed by a boy, given a brief and wildly inaccurate talk on how sex works by a group of middle school girls, then proceeds after several months of thinking she is pregnant, attempt to plunge herself off of a water tower in order to die before the baby is born.
only slightly less stupid then how scout thinks babies are made
One reason that the patriarchy or sexism contribute to her attempted suicide can be seen in this quote,
"The idea had been i the back of her mind for a long time, but she recoiled from it instinctively...the thought of any existence without them, no matter how nice heaven was, was untenable. But being sent to mobile and causing her family to live thereafter with worse; she didn't even wish that on Alexandra. According to her calculations, the baby would come with October, and on the thirtieth day of September she would kill herself." (Lee, p133)
Had Henry not come and saved her, she would have died, and the shame that is forced into our minds from a young age in regards to teen pregnancy and sexual intercourse, along with the lack of education and general attitude of taboo in regards to the subject would have been to blame for scout's tragic and untimely albeit self inflicted demise.
You might be thinking that now with the internet and the somewhat easier access to birth control, that this would never happen. But it does, especially in countries run by bigoted and stifling religious groups such as the catholic church of El Salvador, where all forms of abortion, even in the cases of rape, incest, or if the mother is going to die in child birth are banned. So naturally, and unfortunately, teen pregnancy and teen suicide are out of control, as is incestual rape.
And on that happy note, have a good weekend everyone!
"According to her calculations, the baby would come with October, and on the thirtieth day of September she would kill herself." (Go Set a Watchman, page 133)
At this point in Go Set a Watchman Jean Louise (now in her mid-twenties) is thinking back to a time in her life as a child. At the time she was 12 and in 7th grade. Nine months prior a boy named Albert randomly french kissed scout as thanks for a really small thing. Later she heard girls talking about how Francine Owen had been french kissed and now she was pregnant so scout figured the same thing would happen to her, and she didn't know any better because she never got "the talk". After doing some research Jean Lousie found some medieval techniques which included throwing the women against a wall, and because of fear from that, just having birth in general and anxiety over the whole thing Jean Louise decided she would just kill herself (and the supposed baby with her) to avoid the whole thing. (and don't worry, scout doesn't die, her friend henry comes along and gets her down)
This is really similar to (though a little bit more extreme (sometimes)) things happening all over the country, particularly in Texas, which is an increase in self abortions. Stemming from the recent increase in closing abortion clinics thanks to things like Texas's HB2 anti-abortion laws, pregnant women with a lack of available opportunities take the abortion upon themselves. In Texas the percentage of pregnant women preforming self abortions has increased from 2008's 2% to 7% of women preforming self abortions before going to a clinic, with an estimated total of 100,000 self abortions in texas alone.
Though there are very few (if no other) references to pregnant, birthing or abortions in Go Set a Watchman or To Kill a Mockingbird, this is sort of similar to the supposed happenings in the trial of Tom Robinson in TKAM. After Mayella was injured, whether it was by Tom Robinson (which it wasn't) or by Bob Ewell, Bob figured that he could take care of whatever injuries she had without the help of a doctor similarly to Scout (though there were probably no doctors at the time to have preformed the abortion on scout even if she had the baby)
The article ------->
Women might be the face of feminism, but they aren't the only one who go through these kinds of things. One thing is that men are also supposed to have the same general characteristics. We men are expected to be strong and masculine, but why should that matter to us, there are so many other characteristics that men can have other than being strong. This whole concept is very sexist and stupid, because you don't have to be strong or big and masculine to be a man!
I found this in an article called "6 Ways The Patriarchy Is Harmful To Men, Because Feminism Isn;t Just For Women," which shows how women aren't the only ones who suffer the patriarchy, because men are always being told that they should be strong and to not show feelings. I found a quote from this article..."The standards for men are just as poisonous: From birth, men are discouraged from showing emotion, which is seen as a feminine attribute — boys don't cry, right?" I strongly support this quote because it lets others how we are effect by the patriarchy as much as women are, and that we all suffer from it equally. I think that the whole idea of patriarchy is dumb because no one benefits from it, and in the end everyone is damaged by it, because it only brings our pride, in who we are, and in our gender down!
Donald Trump has been a highlight over these last few months. the racist comments over the Hispanic race's, and the bashful comments to women.
18 Real Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said About Women
I feel Donald Trump is reckless in many ways including his decision to speak his thoughts without thinking. A quote from "To Kill A Mocking Bird" that is patric and similar to this topic is
"I was not so sure, but Jem told me I was being a girl, that girls always imagined things, that's why other people hated them so, and if I started behaving like one I could just go off and find some to play with. (4.119)". This shows there are so many patric people now and then.
So with the trial...the poor poor trial...we see Atticus at work. The town is up and around, everyone seems to be interested. The kids go to the colored section , Atticus unaware of them watching. Heck Tate is summoned. with his account, we find out that Mayella was beaten on her right side and no doctor was called. When Bob ewell comes to the stand, he says he saw Tom raping his daughter and ran for the sheriff. With the help of Atticus, we find out he was left handed. Mayella cried, saying Atticus tricked her or is going to. And Tom, being polite, said she forced herself on him. Same time Mr.Gilmer is making comments to Tom as calling him boy. In the End, we find out Tom is guilty because of one man.
"The defendant is not guilty, but somebody in this courtroom is."
The summary of the trial in Atticus words.
I think it was sad that Tom went through so much trouble and was wronged becasue he was black. Even if he didnt die from the actual trial or people upset he 'raped 'Mayella, he did die because of race. Or at least what i think. No man gets shot that many times because he was climbing a fence. They probably didnt warn him and said "hey theres a black man climbing. Lets play target practice."
Elections are coming up in less than a year, and there's a woman running her president. Her name is Hillary Clinton. Some people think this would be a really good idea and think that she would be a good president and then there's other people who get really sexist over having a women as a president.
There's many articles out there that talk about Hillary Clinton but there's one that caught my attention the most.
"Jimmy Kimmel asks kids if a women could be president: They're 'Too Girly'
This article really caught my attention because it's about kids getting asked if a woman can become president and there's kids so young that got really sexist and it just surprised me what the kids said and they're really young and what their parents have taught them.
I think it was wrong how the parents of some of these kids taught their children but at the same time it's their opinion and we can't force them to change it. What should've happened is that the kids should've thought of men and women equal and both can do the same things and gender doesn't matter.
During the trial of Tom Robinson, it was a really unfair trial! The trial was ruled by white men.
Tom Robinson was a black man who being accused of raping Mayella Ewell. Tom Robinson was declared guilty of raping Mayella Ewell, When it was probably Bob Ewell, her father.
Mayella was probably too scared to say the truth of who actually raped her because her own father might have warned her if she said anything of what was really going on, he would do something bad to her. Bob Ewell was trying to cover up himself because he was the one who abused her since he always got drunk and he told her what to do since her mom wasn't there with her. Mayella Ewell did a lot for her father, she fed him, cleaned after him and much more, but her father still saw her as less because she was a woman and that's what she was supposed to do as her being a woman, which is what I disagree with.
And of course they believed Bob Ewell because he was a white men and Tom Robinson was a black men and they saw him as less too and treated him really unfair.
What was wrong with this is that the trial was ruled by white men so most of them were going to go against the black man. The was Mayella was treated by her father was wrong, he was suppose to care for her like how she took care of him. Also how Mayella didn't tell the truth and the way Tom Robinson was treated.
What should've happened is, Mayella should've said the truth.
There's many cases like right now this where black people are still treated less and the different genders aren't treated the same. There's lots cases where black men are shot/ killed by police officers and most of the black men that are shot aren't carrying any weapon with them.
In 1967 there was a historical event that happened and it had to do with interracial marriage. There was an interracial couple, 17 year old Mildred Jeter who was black, and her childhood sweetheart, 23 year old white construction worker, Richard Loving.They both lived in Virginia and at that time Virginia had "miscengenation" laws banning marriage between blacks and whites. After marrying in Washington, D.C. and returning to their home state in 1958, they were charged with an unlawful cohabitation and they were both taken to jail.
This historical case relates to my motif because they were different race and genders, and they were taken to jail and charged many times because they were two people who loved each other and they wanted to get married, and all Americans are allowed to marry, regardless of race and gender.
In To kill a Mocking Bird there was a character named Adolphus Raymond, who was a white man who chose to marry a black women and have "mixed" children. This relates to the historical event In 1967 because they are both different genders and race.
What was wrong with this event is that they should've never been put In jail and charged because they truly loved each other and they weren't harming anyone.
What should've happened is that they should've been accepted for what they wanted to do and not taken to jail or charged.
During this time, the 1930's to be exact, the great depression was full on swing. No one had money to spare. Then, racism and sexism is a norm. With the great depression in full swing, there was more stress on the gender roles. Most felt that men and women were effect in different ways. Men lost there jobs or got a pay cut, making making them feel like failure. Woman felt the lost in income at home where they struggled to make ends meet. But overall, their 'world' doesn't change. Blacks were not given respect and were seen as trash. With many blacks moving to the north in this time, race tension was all over the country. Organizations like the KKK had decreased in power but many people would still 'punish' people who would help blacks. Then with the Depression, most blacks were out of the job so make room for there white coworkers. And any relationships between the races where frowned upon. Biracial couples would be isolated for they would stand out between both races.
The loving couple was an example of this, where a black woman and a white man wanted to be married. Just like the life of Dolphus Raymond. "They dont belong anywhere. colored folks wont hve em because theyre half white; white folks wont have em cause theyre colored,so theyre just inbetween, dont belong anywhere."
Sadly the kids of these couples would be alone in the world because they didnt belong anywhere. Being seen as mixed was an insult to both races, making the one drop rule very important to some people. But truly we all came from Africa.
"uncle jack finch says we really don't know. he says as far as he can trace back the finches we aint but for all he knows we mighta come straih out of ethiopia durin the old testament."
Tis the season for Thanksgiving, Christmas and voting. Since it is Obama's last term, new candidates republicans, democrats and female women are running for president. Yes, I said female candidates running for president , isn't that great? We might have a female president for the United States of America, but the thought of having a country ran by a woman, seems to be a problem.
According to the article "9 Reasons Why America Should Never Have A Female President" By Michael McCutcheon, he says that women only care about birth control when in fact that's not true because there are other big issues happening like Isis, Racial oppression , Economic downfall etc so I'm pretty sure women don't only care about birth control that much as he claims it does. Next he states that women fail miserably when they run fortune 1000 companies. That proves nothing about becoming a president, just because some women can't run a company right, doesn't conclude that ALL women can't run a company. Look at Phebe N. Novakovic she runs a prosperous company worth 31.9 billion dollars so your opinon is irrelevant at the point. I'm not going to state all reasons but here are some that made no sense to be named a reason why we shouldn't have a female president.
"No one experiencing menopause shouldn't ever be making descisions."
"Women don't have what it takes to get things done."
"Women are too emotional."
"That is not their role , they need to stay at home and make me a sandwich."
"America CAN have a female president , but we don't NEED one. "
"If a woman became president would the White house become a kitchen?"
It's just like telling scout she can't wear trousers anymore , she must be lady like and wear dresses.
My Reactions.
People make and say really sexist comments to make it sound like women are bad and can't do what men do. Yes,we have a law saying men and women are equal, but just because we have a law stating that doesn't mean people will act like we are , when in reality we aren't. You thought by 2015 that everything would be handled, everything we be fine.. but it's not and I personally don't think it ever will be. Women will always be looked upon as unfit when trying to do a man's job and they will always be judged for that.
But one day maybe, women will be treated like they are supposed to be treated and we will just be dancing when we finally have a female president and celebrate proving for once, that women once again, can do anything a man can do. If Obama can become the first black President, then we have a good chance of having the first female President, but it's all in the hands of the people.
Michael Morones was an 11 year old boy in North Carolina, he was bullied severely and even tried to end his life by hanging himself. An 11 year old trying to kill himself because of the TV show he likes! That is crazy and so unfair for an 11 year old to have to go through something society forces upon people and at such a young age. He was bullied all because he was a boy and liked the TV show My Little Pony which is advertised and directed towards young girls, but the crazy thing is one of the characters in MLP is a little boy, he’s a dragon and his name is Spike, he’s an advisor/apprentice to the powerful girl ponies! And he’s a little boy dragon! So Michael was so not in the wrong. I wonder how Michael is now and I hope he knows society will not hurt you unless you let it... Rock On Michael! Another little boy Grayson Bruce was a 9 year old boy also from NC like Michael and Grayson was sent home for carrying a MLP bag because it was a “Trigger” for bullies and was forced to carry another bag! I mean that’s so awful and unfair! Grayson and Michael shouldn’t be forced and bullied at such young ages.... Society almost killed a kid, an 11 year old and he will never be the same. Grayson was also bullied severely for his interests. MLP should be a show for everyone for boys and girls and Transformers and Power Rangers should be a show for girls as well as boys. HELLO TV producers?! Make your show for everyone, don’t add any more stereotypical ideas to this society across the world. It’s not all about money and toys, What about ratings? You will need more kids (Girls and Boys) to watch your show so you will have enough ratings, You need girls to bump up ratings on “Boys Shows” and boys to bump up ratings on “Girls Shows” and you will also have more fans. I wonder if MLP heard about Grayson and Michael... Wonder what they thought when they read that an 11 year old tried to kill himself for being bullied by their show for girls. That’s what should happen.
This can also relate to the boys in TKAM Jem is always being called a girl like when he begged Scout not to mash the little rolly polly. He tells Scout she’s too girly but here he is begging Scout not to mash a little bug. Any other boy would’ve mashed the bug senseless but not Jem, he begged for mercy on the bug’s behalf when his sister was about to mash the innocent bug. Jem has acted more like a girl then Scout has and she still gets accused of acting like a girl. Why she should even be accused of a girl is a mystery but by Little Boy Standards I think Jem is more girly.
As a woman there are many things that are thrown you way, but catcalling is in my opinion one of the worst things to have to endure. (Side note: there are several links to news storys so look out for those)
gerund or present participle: catcalling
make a whistle, shout, or comment of a sexual nature to a woman passing by.
"they were fired for catcalling at women"
It isn't attractive for you to catcall. It isn't needed, or appreciated, and feels like a violation.
There are young girls that are catcalled from ages of seven or eight if that isn't terrible to you I don't know what is. It shouldn't be acceptable for any age to have to endure it, but sexualizing young girls who don't understand what it is you are saying isn't just disturbing it can also hurt them. They can become self conscious, and uneasy with their body. They are taught that they don't have a say about their own body it it is terrible. I walk home and most places in Durham and every time I start walking I mentally prepare myself for honks of shouts. I have had a man that looked older than my dad honk and yell out at me "How I was doin'". When I visited NY city two men decided it would be funny to approach me and my mother and make some unpleasant comments then after my mom steered me away talk about the strippers they had just seen. I was twelve and was only shocked at the fact that my mom saw it not even at how they acted. And it doesn't matter what you are wearing I was walking home in loose pants and huge winter jackets because it was freezing yet that didn't stop the honks of cars. There are tons of other times and some where I was actually terrified because I wasn't sure how to handle it.
It is a demeaning and threatening. It isn't just the crude comment it is where it can escalate to violet attacks on a woman because she said no. Men feel like a women's body is somehow an object they can claim an it's not cool at all. Men often think that what they say is a compliment or they mean no harm but often lose the perspective of what it feels like to be a woman in that kind of situation. I don't think they realize that it is a threat. Who normally has more power in a situation like that? How is a women supposed to know when a man is going to be a threat to her or not? It is really difficult to tell, you really can't. And if you are screaming out a comment about how nice the girls legs are what are you accomplishing? It doesn't make her want to talk to you.
"So street harassers, next time you want to catcall a woman imagine how you would feel if she was your mom. Or just realize she's a human being and keep your mouth shut."
In TKAM, Mayellla is subject to several forms of sexual abuse by her own FATHER and even takes after his behavior by trying to force herself onto Tom.
“She reached up an‘ kissed me ’side of th‘ face. She says she never kissed a grown man before an’ she might as well kiss a nigger. She says what her papa do to her don’t count. She says, ‘Kiss me back, nigger.’ I say Miss Mayella lemme outa here an‘ tried to run but she got her back to the door an’ I’da had to push her. I didn’t wanta harm her, Mr. Finch, an‘ I say lemme pass, but just when I say it Mr. Ewell yonder hollered through th’ window.”
“What did he say?”
Tom Robinson swallowed again, and his eyes widened. “Somethin‘ not fittin’ to say—not fittin‘ for these folks’n chillun to hear—”
“What did he say, Tom? You must tell the jury what he said.”
Tom Robinson shut his eyes tight. “He says you goddamn whore, I’ll kill ya.” (Lee, 194)
In this quote it is showing that Mayalles father Bob Ewell "She says what her papa do to her don’t count." She is referring to the sexual advances that her father forced upon her did happen and she doesn't feel they "count" as in she didn't want to kiss him. Also in her fathers behavior Mayella seems to have picked up on her fathers was as she forces (tries) herself onto Tom.
“He says you goddamn whore, I’ll kill ya.”This quote also shows the verbal disrespect Mayella receives from her father. I mean the man refers to his own daughter as a whore.
Now people can see what Mayella did IS a form of sexual assault because it does go both ways (gender wise) and at the same time Tom didn't want to hurt Mayella which was he would possibly do if he pushed her so he took the higher road even if he was stronger than Mayella. In the end though.
The guy in the news video made me really upset because he wasn't listening to the fact that woman don't like it and can't always say no without the repercussion of getting hurt. Woman should not have to justify why they don't like it. It make us feel uncomfortable and being able to walk along a street without being yelled at shouldn't be a luxury. Complements are fine in certain situations and how you say them does mater. Making noises like you are searching for your lost pet is not flattering it is degrading. Being whistled at like a dog is not enjoyable, there is no other point. Even if a woman enjoys being called at by random strangers what about the woman that don't? What about the woman that feel utterly powerless and disgusted? They shouldn't have to just suck it up. If someone tells you it makes them uncomfortable then they need to be respected.
“I get catcalled most days that I walk outside,” she explained. “I feel scared, and angry at them and angry that this is my experience being a woman in this society.”
The video (if you follow the link) is a good way to show how many people don't think about it happening and how many people are unsure of what to do.
“There are plenty of men who know this is wrong and don’t want it to be done, but you don’t know what to do,” said Jonathan Braylock. “Do I say something? Does that put me in danger?”
Woman being harassed is brought to the open as a problem because women often feel much more threatened by men because they can't know who is simply trying to "compliment" them or who could actually take it a step further with words and assault them. It is another instance where woman's voice is taken away because of the fear of an attack.
All and all the next time you see a person being catcalled or you are catcalling someone think of what you would do/how would you feel if that person being violated was a close friend of family.
This current event is a movement to ban school dress codes that make women feel uncomfortable and embarrassed when wearing "scandalous" clothing that are supposedly distracting to boys. Girls get pulled out of class to be slut shamed while boys can do whatever they want. Taking away someones education because of how they dress? I don't think so. Uhh maybe men can learn to respect women. Girls don't feel the need to stare at boys who wear those shirts that have little to no fabric on the sides which are pretty scandalous if you ask me, so I think boys could manage to focus in class even if a girl's bra strap is showing. People should be able to wear whatever the want. This includes my girl Scout who enjoys wearing pants, not dresses like other girls. "Aunt Alexandra was fanatical on the subject of my attire. I could not possibly hope to be a lady if I wore breeches; when I said I could do nothing in a dress, she said I wasn't supposed to be doing things that required pants." (Lee,92) Scout is a young girl being taught that she can only hope to be a real lady if she wears dresses not pants. The victims of the school dress codes are being taught that the way they are dressing is inappropriate because it distracts men. What about what women wear is anyone's business but their own? Telling women to wear certain types of clothes to make them look more feminine or modest is teaching men that it's okay to push us girls around.
In the book "To Kill A Mockingbird" there was a trial that took place. The trial was about how Mayella Ewell acused Tom Robinson of raping her. Through the chapter 19 Mayella had a hard time staying on topic. An example is on page 183 paragraph 3 Atticus said "yes don't you know anyone near your age, or older, or younger? Boys and girls? Just ordinary friends?" Mayella hostility, which had subsided to grudging neutrality,flared again, "You makin' fun o'me agin, Mr.Finch?"
What I feel was wrong throughout the trial was Mayella was putting her personal feelings in the case and feeling insulted. What should have happened was Mayellla should have stated what happened and answered the questions accordingly. My opinion towards Mayella is she is probably my lest favorite character
A current event is similar to the trial would be how all Muslims are terrorists, many people are racist towards them because of what happened to Paris and twin towers . Just like during the trial they were being racist because of Tom's race.
Patriarchy has always existed and always will exist. Its wrong but its something that will always be here because it started long ago, its every ones own thoughts that make it still be around. Like racism yes we got rid of the slavery and Jim crow laws but racism isn't over because its what people think, we cant change that and its the same thing with patriarchy.
It is 2015 right now when i am writing this and the new soon to be presidents are waiting for the votes. They are all men except one- Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a woman who is running for president; we have never had a woman president. There are men who are running for president and some are terrible like Donald Trump, but Donald Trump is winning the election right now. He insulted hispanic people and he insulted woman, during his election he said "she must be on her period," he insulted woman for having periods. He isn't a role model at all he is a terrible person, but look he is still winning the elections, why you ask ? Donald Trump is a man and Hillary Clinton is a woman. We have never had a woman president because men don't think we can do, men think they're better than us , stronger than us, they think we cant do it. Here is a link that shows lots of reasons why Hillary Clinton isn't picked as president other than the reasons i gave. 14 Percent of Democrats Will Not Support Hillary Clinton. Only Bernie Sanders Prevents Low Voter Turnout | H. A. Goodman
In TKAM woman cant do everything men can do like when Scout says "but i cant do anything in a dress." Aunt Alexandra said "well your not supposed to be doing things that require pants." This is like saying that woman shouldn't be doing the things that men do, but doing certain things doesn't describe who you are we just have this stupid idea in our head about whats wrong and whats right. Aunt Alexandra wanted Scout to wear a dress but is wearing overalls bad ? No its not there is nothing wrong with a girl wearing overalls, a girl should be able to wear what she wants and do what she wants (as long as its legal) because we are just as good as men!
“He in there, Mr. Finch?” a man said.
“He is,” we heard Atticus answer, “and he’s asleep. Don’t wake him up.”
In obedience to my father, there followed what I later realized was a sickeningly
comic aspect of an unfunny situation: the men talked in near-whispers.
“You know what we want,” another man said. “Get aside from the door, Mr.
This quote happens when a bunch of drunk rednecks surround the county jail, to try and murder Tom Robinson before he got to trial, and is related to how Robert Dear recently shot three people and injured nine in a shooting targeting planned parenthood. These situations are similar because both involve men shooting to attempting to shoot someone based on race, or in the recent case, using planned parenthood.
Dear is sexist and a part of the patriarchy because he is attempting to destroy the reproductive rights of women, as shown by him attacking an abortion clinic.
This article shows the data that supports men getting paid more than women in North Carolina. The average amount of money men make per year is $7299 more than the average amount of money that women make per year.
Women obviously need that money more than the men because women are the people who have to put up with the men which is possibly the hardest job in the world.
To me this relates to the men in to kill a mockingbird having better jobs than the women. Atticus was a lawyer and was able to support his family by himself and afford a maid while the other women rarely worked and if they did it was not much at all because they had husbands to support them.
This is wrong because with the women depending so much on the men it was very hard to get out of that situation and start working to provide for themselves. Women only in the past 30ish years are learning how to provide for themselves but it should have been done so long ago.