Gender Roles

Gender Roles

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Patriarchy in the elections

     Patriarchy has always existed and always will exist. Its wrong but its something that will always be here because it started long ago, its every ones own thoughts that make it still be around. Like racism yes we got rid of the slavery and Jim crow laws but racism isn't over because its what people think, we cant change that and its the same thing with patriarchy.
     It is 2015 right now when i am writing this and the new soon to be presidents are waiting for the votes. They are all men except one- Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a woman who is running for president; we have never had a woman president. There are men who are running for president and some are terrible like Donald Trump, but Donald Trump is winning the election right now. He insulted hispanic people and he insulted woman, during his election he said "she must be on her period," he insulted woman for having periods. He isn't a role model at all he is a terrible person, but look he is still winning the elections, why you ask ? Donald Trump is a man and Hillary Clinton is a woman. We have never had a woman president because men don't think we can do, men think they're better than us , stronger than us, they think we cant do it. Here is a link that shows lots of reasons why Hillary Clinton isn't picked as president other than the reasons i gave.
14 Percent of Democrats Will Not Support Hillary Clinton. Only Bernie Sanders Prevents Low Voter Turnout | H. A. Goodman

   In TKAM woman cant do everything men can do like when Scout says "but i cant do anything in a dress." Aunt Alexandra said "well your not supposed to be doing things that require pants." This is like saying that woman shouldn't be doing the things that men do, but doing certain things doesn't describe who you are we just have this stupid idea in our head about whats wrong and whats right. Aunt Alexandra wanted Scout to wear a dress but is wearing overalls bad ? No its not there is nothing wrong with a girl wearing overalls, a girl should be able to wear what she wants and do what she wants (as long as its legal) because we are just as good as men!


  1. I really love the example of Donald Trump and the period situation because its amusing and very true. I also agree with the fact of how rasism will always be around no matter what, there will always be those types of people who will judge. I wish there was more interesting topics of Donald Trump. But i'm very interested in the comparsin between "To Kill A Mocking Bird" and the common news in the united states.

  2. You point about social conditioning stopping the patriarchy is really smart and makes you think, though you can see that social change does happen yet extremely slowly, and not everyone will catch up. Woman's role in society has changed a lot though their is still much progress to be made. The Donald Trump example is a good show of how even with progress people still think and do terrible things. Your quote from TKAM really fits with your views and your point about how woman "aren't supposed" to do anything is really awesome.
