Gender Roles

Gender Roles

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Event happening right now

Elections are coming up in less than a year, and there's a woman running her president. Her name is Hillary Clinton. Some people think this would be a really good idea and think that she would be a good president and then there's other people who get really sexist over having a women as a president. 

There's many articles out there that talk about Hillary Clinton but there's one that caught my attention the most.

"Jimmy Kimmel asks kids if a women could be president: They're 'Too Girly'
This article really caught my attention because it's about kids getting asked if a woman can become president and there's kids so young that got really sexist and it just surprised me what the kids said and they're really young and what their parents have taught them. 

I think it was wrong how the parents of some of these kids taught their children but at the same time it's their opinion and we can't force them to change it. What should've happened is that the kids should've thought of men and women equal and both can do the same things and gender doesn't matter.